Behaviour, Relationships & Wellbeing

At Lime Wood Primary School we strive to create a safe and happy culture where everybody feels valued, included and welcome. Everyone (staff, children, parents and visitors) in our school community is expected to always model the highest standards of behaviour, using an agreed consistent approach, which includes the language and actions identified within our Relationships & Behaviour policy.

The whole school community are expected to follow three simple rules: ready, respectful, safe and these are lived and breathed by everyone.

Meeting the needs of all

We recognise that each child is an individual and are in different stages of their behavioural development. Our commitment to a consistent approach will ensure that all children are supported. This includes allowing for reasonable adjustment to meet those needs.



Children and their families need to feel safe and secure before children can learn and reach their full potential. Lime Wood Primary School ensures that the wellbeing of our children is supported through our internal interventions and external agencies. You can contact the following organisations for further support at home to support yourself or your family.

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People 

Mental Health Foundation | Good mental health for all

Mental health help and support services | Time To Change

We are Rethink Mental Illness

Home - Mind