Personal Development

Personal Development at Lime Wood Primary


  • Activities are aimed at developing social capital amongst our children.
  • Children will learn about different cultures and religions, e.g., learning about Judaism, involving the community to support when identified e.g., families coming in to talk to the children about Diwali which promotes understanding and respect of other cultures.
  • Leadership skills of pupils – as the school progresses, a school council will be developed to capture pupil voice and take into account pupil views, along with other groups used across the schools in the Trust such as a sports’ council and rainbow ambassadors. Other leadership roles will be in place such as play leaders. The process of electing the council members will be linked to the rule of law and political elections, and other roles will be through an application and interview, helping to prepare children for the world of work. We are privileged to be in close proximity to the Houses of Parliament and can access workshops there, as well as hosted visits by our local MP.
  • After school clubs (and lunchtime clubs), including choir will support development – this includes using pupil voice and interests to determine clubs, and also building on opportunities in the locality, such as Young Voices at the O2.
  • Keeping safe – workshops from ChildLine, including on positive relationships (i.e., not child sexual exploitation and domestic abuse), as well as work with the anti-bullying alliance. This will also include workshops linked to the local area such as railway safety, county lines and knife crime, with appropriate speakers already in use by the other schools in the Trust.
  • Online safety lessons, which are woven into our computing curriculum, including work on safer internet day.
  • Celebrating the achievements of women, through International Women’s Day.Work around democracy and parliament, and the right to vote, using debating as part of this.Trips and visits to local area to take the children to places they would not normally go eg into London, into rural Kent to compare and contrast where they live with the countryside, which will all be built into the curriculum.
  • Work in the local community will take place, for instance supporting community days and taking part in activities such as litter picking to ensure the children have pride in their local area.
  • Using people from the outside to support and develop understanding of the world and how people help us as part of the curriculum and assemblies eg fire service, police (rule of law), paramedics.
  • In the future there will be opportunities to take part in a residential in UKS2, developing resilience as part of this, opportunities to thrive away from home.
  • Equality and diversity is woven into our curriculum, including work on understanding differences and celebrating these, including through careful choices of texts, and ensuring there is wide representation in other subjects such as in the study of artists. We will also celebrate key historical events, such as Black History Week.
  • Enterprise activities – supporting the PTA with events e.g., making biscuits and selling them, and the future children of Year 6 will have the opportunity to have a full enterprise project, for example ‘Grow £5’.
  • Developing confidence – this will be through a range of activities from speaking in class to performing for parents, will many opportunities through their time at Lime Wood.
  • Promoting and taking parts in events e.g., summer reading challenge (national event).
  • Physically healthy – in the science curriculum and also through personal develop lessons.
  • Emotionally healthy – we will have significant support for this as the school grows from work through the curriculum; having an identified mental health first aider and a pastoral team; nurture provision; and a counselling services
  • External career people who come in e.g., STEM ambassadors, links to local businesses and families who will visit the school and talk about the world of work.
  • Through the curriculum e.g., moral codes through time e.g., Victorian workhouses, punishment in Tudor times etc, impact on developments on the Rainforest, pollution, global warming, MFL to help understand different cultures. There is also flexibility in the curriculum and assemblies to be able to address any local or world issues that arise including general elections and protests, all at an age-appropriate level.
  • RSE – this is explored through the personal development curriculum, with clear links to other aspects such as keeping safe, and also through links with external agencies, including a school nurse.
