Working together with the community
At Lime Wood Primary School we believe that Community Cohesion is about creating a school environment in which every member of the community has a common vision and a sense of belonging where their backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and valued.
We define 'community cohesion'; as working towards a society in which:
- There is a sense of belonging by all communities
- The diversity of people's backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and valued
- Similar life opportunities are available to all
- Strong and positive relationships exist, and continue to be developed in the workplace, school and wider community
- Social mobility is encouraged and facilitated
The school's contribution to community cohesion can be grouped under several headings, including the following:
- Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
- Equality and Excellence
- Engagement and Ethos
The school defines 'community' in a number of ways:
- School community - the children we serve, their families and our staff members
- Our local community - our geographical community, and the people who live and/or work in our area
- The community of Britain - all schools, by definition, are part of it
- The global community - formed by the European Union (EU) and international links
At Lime Wood Primary School, we believe that strong, effective relationships with parents carers and families is in the best interests of our children. We understand that our parents and carers know their child best; what engages and motivates them, their strengths, passions and interests. By combining parents’ knowledge of their child with staff’s expertise in teaching and learning, we can ensure the best outcomes for our children.
Our school values the relationship it holds with children and their families, as well as the wider community, and actively seeks to provide opportunities for these relationships to flourish. We seek to involve parents and carers in their children’s learning and education by sharing information about the curriculum that they are participating in. As part of the curriculum philosophy, parents and carers are invited to help celebrate a new topic by preparing for Big Bang Days, sharing a curriculum overview which sets out a term’s learning and, ending in a celebration of learning whereby parents and carers are invited into the school for a showcase of the children’s learning towards the end of term.
We encourage parents and carers to tell us what support they feel they need and aim to provide information, whether through our newsletter, curriculum overviews or workshops. Furthermore, parent consultation evenings provide an opportunity for parents and carers to learn more about their child/ren’s social/emotional and learning progress throughout the academic year.
You can view our 'Community Cohesion Policy' on our Polices and Procedures page by clicking here.